B. inggris


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tolongin pr b.inggris kakak

2 Jawaban

  • 1.about irene kharisma sukandar,the most successful woman chess player in indonesia
    2.national and international titles
    3.although she begins to play chessat relatively senior age of 7
    4.playing chess is something good to do
    5.no 5 kurang ngerti
    maaf kalo ada yg sakah

  • 1. About a successful female chess player named Irene Kharisma Sukandar.

    2. She has got many trophies and medals from both national and international titles.

    3. She began playing chess at the age of 7.

    4. She thinks that playing chess is something good to do, and that she disagrees with many Indonesian people who associate chess with a lack of productivity

    5. It is a biography. The purpose of the text is to tell the story of Irene Kharisma Sukandar of becoming the most successful female chess player in Indonesia.