b inggris hal 24 dialog 1 kelas 9 semester1 kurikulum 2013
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban vanhoughen93p06m60
Expressing Hesitation (Ungkapan Keraguan) adalah ungkapan menunjukkan sebuah ketidak pastian atau perasaan ragu atau tidak yakin dari seseorang terhadap sesuatu hal atau orang.
Contoh :
Showing Hesitation Responding
I’m not quite sure about it. It's okay, then
I’m not sure if my brother did it. Why, don’t you double-check ?
I really doubt about this information. You’d better confirm it.
I'm not sure thatI can finish all question Don’t be pessimistic.
I’m not sure/certain that it happens to me. Neither am I.
I’m not really sure about the news. Why don’t you try to get the truth ?
I doubt that he will arrive on time You’d better be sure/certain about it.
Setelah melihat teks tersebut, maka kalimat rumpang dapat diisi dengan ungkapan keraguan.
Arin: Hi, Ivan! How was your day today?
Ivan: It's not so good. I don't think I could get good marks on Science.
Arin: (1) Don't be pessimistic. As I know you're smart and always optimistic. You lack confidence thim time buddy?
Ivan: You know, my mom passed away last week and she really meant to me. I hardly lately. (2) I'm not sure I can be strong enough.
Arin: i'm sorry to hear that. I think you should be strong and tough. (3) I am certain about that.
Ivan: (4) I don't know if I can stand any longer.
Arin: O come on! (5) I believe you can. Your'e not alone. You can share your burden with me.
Ivan: Thank's Arin
Pelajari lebih lanjut
1. Purpose of Hesitation Expressions https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12729754
2. Contoh Expression of hesitation https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3773292
Detil jawaban
Kelas: 9
Mapel: B. Inggris
Bab: Expressing Hesitation
Kode: 9.5.1
Kata Kunci: Expressing hesitation, Respond Expressing hesitation,