Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence by using past tense and past continuous tense! Aldi - talking - salman - was - to - when - his name - the teach
B. inggris
Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence by using past tense and past continuous tense!
Aldi - talking - salman - was - to - when - his name - the teacher - called
Kak tolong bantu ya
Aldi - talking - salman - was - to - when - his name - the teacher - called
Kak tolong bantu ya
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban faje2
Look at this carefully !
Past Continous :
S + to be ( was ( I, she, he, it ) / were ( you, they, we )) + O
Past Simple :
S + V2 + O
Past Simple & Past Continuous senctence formula, are :
a ) past continuous + when + past simple (ketika)
b) past simple +while + past continuous (sementara)
exmp :
a. Fira was studying Biology when, Indah called her.
b. Indah called Fira while, she was studying Biology.
Good senctence of those jumbled words is :
Aldi was talking to Salman when the teacher called his name.
In Bahasa,
Aldi berbicara dengan Salman ketika guru memanggil namanya.