B. inggris


tolong yaaaaa please lengkap ya tolongg

1.foto pertama bagian G
2.foto kedua bagian A,B
tolong yaaaaa please lengkap ya tolongg 1.foto pertama bagian G 2.foto kedua bagian A,B
tolong yaaaaa please lengkap ya tolongg 1.foto pertama bagian G 2.foto kedua bagian A,B

2 Jawaban

  • for the first pict, 

    1. the subject of the description is Alimudin, a local football player
     who play in a small football group

    2. paragraf 1 : plays, works 
    paragraf 2 : starts, says, goes, joins, takes, prepares, goes
    paragraf 3 : goes, practices, learns, ends, goes, does

    3. paragraf 1 : plays, works
    paragrat 2 : says, goes, joins, prepares
    paragraf 3 : goes, practices, learns, goes, does

    The second pict
    1. I'm 14 years old

    2. I'm a tall girl, with short black straight hair, have a bright color skin, and a little bit plump, my check is have a little bit red shape and I have a rare eye color which is black.

    3. I love all kind of clothes. But I love short, t-shirt, shirt, and jeans the most.

    4. I always read all books that I still haven't read. And I really like it, I even loved it.

    5. I have a lot of hobbies and one of them is playing a violin. Because I really loved to hear classic music and I always got goosebumps when I hear violinist start to play their violin

    tinggal ambil dari kalimat diatas aja koq ^^ 

    semoga bermanfaat
  • 1. Yg bagian G,
    No.1 Alimudin
    No.2 He works hard,(ngga tau lagi sih)
    No.3 Works,says,goes,joins,takes,prepares,practices,learns, sama does.

    2. Yg bagian A, itu kamu ngejelasin tntg diri sendiri. Kayak introduce/perkenalan gtu.
    No.1 Berapa umur kamu
    No.2 Ciri2 fisik kamu (misal kamu pake kacamata, atau rambut kamu lurus)
    No.3 Pakaian yg sering kamu kenakan apa
    No.4 Apa yg biasa kamu lakuin di rmh, trus kamu suka ngga sm yg kamu lakuin
    No.5 Hobi kamu apa, dn apa alasan kamu suka.

    2.Yg bagian b, itu kamu tinggal isi titik2nya pake jawaban dr yg bagian A. Sesuai urutan nomor aja, misalnya nomor 1, berapa umur kamu, kamu umurnya 14 misalnya, nah di bagian b, titik2 pertama, kamu tulis aja 14, dst.

    Semoga bantu ya>\