B. inggris


Langkah langkah membuat pisang goreng dalam bahasa Inggris

2 Jawaban

    1.Pertama-tama kupaslah pisang, belah memanjang tapi jangan sampai putus. Dalam mangkok besar masukkan tepung terigu, gula, vanili dan sedikit garam untuk cita rasa. Kemudian masukkan susu, telur dan mentega cair. Aduk-aduk adonan tadi hingga tercampur rata. Adonan tepung ini jangan terlalu encer dan jangan terlalu kental.
    2.Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan yang telah dipanaskan sebelumnya. Masukkan pisang yang telah dikupas ke dalam adonan tepung. Lipat-lipatkan pisang goreng dalam adonan tepung kemudian goreng ke dalam minyak panas. Goreng pisang sambil sesekali di balik hingga berwarna kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan. Goreng pisang hingga semua adonan habis.Pisang goreng ini tidak hanya sedap dimakan begitu saja.
    3.Pisang goreng ini dapat dikombinasikan sehingga menjadi pisang goreng dengan cita rasa yang lezat. Anda dapat menambahkan keju dan coklat meses ke atas pisang goreng sebelum disajikan.

    1.First of all peel bananas, split lengthwise but do not break. In a large bowl put the flour, sugar, vanilla and a little salt for taste. Then put milk, eggs and melted butter. Stir the dough until well mixed. This flour dough should not be too dilute and not too thick.
    2. Heat cooking oil in a heated pan. Add the peeled banana to the flour dough. Fold the fried banana in the flour mixture then fry it into hot oil. Fried bananas while occasionally behind until brownish. Lift and drain. Fried bananas until all the dough runs out. This fried banana is not just delicious eaten just like that.
    3. This fried banana can be combined to become a fried banana with a delicious taste. You can add cheese and chocolate meses to the top of the fried banana before serving.


  • step steps:
    Prepare the basin, put the flour, sugar, salt, vanilla and chicken eggs, stir well
    - While stirring, add water slowly until the dough has thickened (do not get too thin or too dense)
    - After the dough is ready, heat the oil over the pan
    - If the oil is hot, put the banana into the flour dough, back and forth the banana until all the parts are dusted, then put in a pan that contains hot oil
    - Fried bananas to crisp and all parts are yellow or brownish, frying with deep frying or all parts of the banana in perfect oil
    - Drain the ripe bananas, serve on a plate, and bananas are ready to serve

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